Upcoming Volunteer Opportunities
If you are interested in upcoming volunteer opportunities or are curious about other ways to get involved in environmental stewardship in Kitsap County, please send us an email! Click HERE to contact us.
Past Volunteer Events
All Hands on Trees Planting Event – February 6th, 2023
You and your family and friends are invited to Kitsap County Park’s “All Hands on Trees” planting event happening Monday, February 6th from 9am-1pm at the Kitsap Golf & Country Club (3885 NW Golf Club Hill Road, Bremerton, Washington 98312).
Orca Recovery Day – October 16th, 2021
For our 2nd annual Orca Recovery Day Event, Shore Friendly Kitsap collaborated with a few partner organizations to host Orca Recovery Day at Harper Park and Estuary. We had a great turnout with approximately 35 volunteers! They helped us plant 50 native plants along the stream bank by the new bridge and removed a truckload of invasive ivy from the park.
Other activities included an estuary walk from Jeff Adams at Washington Sea Grant and Orca rock painting from a Harper local. We are thankful for their time and dedication to the cause!
These efforts are all interconnected to the survival of our Orcas. Having healthy, native plants along waterbodies slows potential pollutants from reaching the water from runoff, provides shade, and brings food sources like insects to the water’s edge. In turn, this increases water quality which helps biodiversity.
If the shoreline/riparian area is healthy, then the nearshore becomes healthier, which increases fish productivity in both forage fish species and gives salmonids a place to rest, hide, and feed. In turn, they provide valuable food for orcas. Removing invasive plant species like ivy is also important as ivy will choke out native plants and trees, decreases soil stability, and provide little nutrients. All of these factors make it harder for the marine food web to sustain its cycle. We are very grateful for the positive impacts our volunteers made on our ecosystem and on behalf of the orcas, we thank you!

Orca Recovery Day – October 17th, 2020
In 2020, Shore Friendly Kitsap combined efforts with the Harper Stewardship Group and Kitsap County Parks Department to put on a socially distanced event for Orca Recovery Day. We had two wonderful groups of volunteers help us.
Group A planted a garden with native plants around the new Harper Park sign and Group B removed a large section of invasive scotch-broom from the edge of Harper estuary so that native plants could have room to grow and visitors now have a great view!
A huge thank you to our amazing volunteers for spending a few hours helping out the community in honor of Puget Sound Orcas!